Notes from Underground

Announcing a new thing – my first new project since leaving Dark Mountain – here’s Notes from Underground, a weekly essay series launched today with Bella Caledonia.

This starts out as a journey into the deep context of the new climate movements that have surfaced since mid-2018. I’m not writing to celebrate or critique, but as an invitation to a quieter reflection on where all this is coming from, and what it tells us about the moment in which we find ourselves.

We’ll see where else it goes, as I write my way through the winter; but I’m excited about this, I hope it will feed into conversations and offer some clues as to how we find our bearings in disorienting times.

You can read the first essay on the Bella Caledonia site, or it’s available as a podcast and on YouTube. Huge thanks to Mike Small for commissioning the series and bringing me on board as part of the next phase of Bella.