a school called HOME

Together, we will redraw the maps, steering by the wild stars and the wisdom of many times and places, cultivating the courage which it takes to come alive in times like these.

We’d talked about it for years, since we began making a life together: the idea of creating some kind of convivial institution, a gathering place for the conversations and collaborations that start around our kitchen table. In early 2018, Anna and I began to put this into practice, making an invitation to Finding Our Way Home, the first residential course at a school called HOME.

Since my departure from Dark Mountain in 2019, along with my writing, HOME has been my main project. Unlike the organisations I created in my early thirties, there’s no rush here. This is something we’re committed to for as long as it takes, or as long as we’ve got.

As of the summer of 2020, we’re still looking for a long-term place to call HOME, a permanent base for the school. But we’ve also been learning a lot about how to take this work online, as we build an ongoing community of people who are drawn to the work of regrowing a living culture.